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Gold Flash System
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All The Answers

Q1. How does Goodknight Fast Card work?+
Q2. What are paper based mosquito repellents?+
Q3. What is Goodknight Fast card?+
Q4. How do I protect my family from mosquito bites which can cause dengue, chikungunya and malaria?+
Q1. Do I need to wash my hands after using Goodknight Fast Card?+
Q2. What should I do, if someone accidently swallows Goodknight Fast Card?+
Q3. Is it safe to use Goodknight Fast Card in a closed room?+
Q4. How do you store Goodknight Fast Card?+
Q5. Is Goodknight Fast Card safe for my family?+
Q1. Should the fan/AC be left on while using Fast Card?+
Q2. Do I need to close the doors and the windows after using the Fast Card?+
Q3. Can I burn 2 – 3 cards together if I have more mosquitoes?+
Q4. How do I use a Fast Card?+
Q1. Can I buy a single leaf of Goodknight Fast Card?+
Q2. What is the MRP of Goodknight Fast Card?+
Q3. Where can I purchase the Goodknight Fast Card?+
Q1. What is Zika Virus?+
Q2. When are Aedes mosquitoes most active?+
Q3. What are the most commonly seen symptoms of Zika Virus?+
Q4. How can Zika Virus be prevented?+
Q5. Can Zika virus affect pregnancy?+
Q6. What is the treatment for Zika Virus?+
Q7. Why should pregnant women be cautious of not contracting this virus?+
Q8. How does Zika virus spread?+
Q9. What is malaria?+
Q10. What are the symptoms of malaria?+
Q11. What is the treatment for malaria? Are there any vaccines available?+
Q12. How can one find out if they have malaria/ What are the tests available to diagnose malaria?+
Q13. How can malaria be prevented?+
Q14. Where can one get more information about malaria?+
Q15. What are the symptoms of dengue?+
Q16. What is dengue?+
Q17. What is the treatment for dengue? Are there any vaccines available?+
Q18. How can one find out if they have dengue/ What are the tests available to diagnose dengue?+
Q19. How can dengue be prevented?+
Q20. Where can one get more information about dengue?+
Q21. What is chikungunya?+
Q22. What are the symptoms of chikungunya?+
Q23. Where can one get more information about chikungunya?+
Q24. How can one find out if they have chikungunya/ What are the tests available to diagnose chikungunya?+
Q25. How can chikungunya be prevented?+
Q26. What is the treatment for chikungunya? Are there any vaccines available?+

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