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Mommy October 1, 2018

By a child psychologist – Help your child cultivate good habits from an early age

Babies’ minds are said to be like clay; you can mold them the way you want. It is in your hands how you train them to cultivate good habits from an early stage. It is best to start this training before your child begins school, to ensure the timely development of healthy, lifelong benefits.

Here are some habits that every parent should inculcate in their children:

  • Washing hands before and after meals: Children tend to play with sand, mud, dirty water, etc. They don’t discriminate between clean toys and dirty ones; they just play with whatever they like. So frequent hand-washing is a must. This is especially important at mealtime as germs from dirty hands can go straight into their body and cause various illnesses. In fact, the hand-washing habit should be given top priority and your child should be taught this from as early as their first year. The same goes for cleaning their hands and washing their mouths after meals.
  • Toilet training: Toilet training is an important milestone for every child. Start by frequent visits to the toilet and make them familiar with the commode and wash basin. Talk to them about the use of the toilet, especially how they should use it. It may take some time for the child to understand this, but you will surely see results after a few days of persistence.
  • Brushing teeth: Get a toothbrush with soft bristles (made specifically for babies) and good toothpaste (according to age). Let them explore the items first and then teach them to brush their teeth by brushing your own teeth in front of them. They will follow you and learn to brush too.
  • Daily exercise: Exercise is also a must for every baby. It will not only keep them active but also ensure their proper growth and development. So, engage your child in at least one hour of physical activity every day. Include a mix of activities so that the child doesn’t get bored.
  • Protection from mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are one of the biggest threats to your baby’s health as they are carriers of diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. They are found everywhere and can attack children at any time. So apart from all the above habits, get your child into the habit of applying Goodknight Fabric Roll-On on their clothes before going out. Applying just four dots – one on each sleeve/shoulder and ankles of their garments – offers complete protection from mosquitoes. In the case of small babies, it can be applied on their cots. It is completely safe and provides around eight hours of protection from mosquitoes.

These are just a few habits that every child should be taught early in life. As they grow older, the list will only become longer. Although it can be quite time-consuming and often frustrating to teach toddlers good habits, successfully shaping a well-behaved and good-mannered child will bring you immense pleasure and appreciation from all. So, make the effort today and expect the sweet results tomorrow!

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