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Mommy September 24, 2018

Foods that are good for your toddler

The first year of taking care of your baby is bound to be one filled with excitement, much like a rollercoaster ride. New parents always worry over what’s best for their baby. As a parent, it’s normal to second-guess yourself when it comes to your child’s health and well-being.

With multiple channels dishing out advice and options galore when it comes to baby food, we know you can end up feeling a little confused.

Babies need nutritious food since it is vital to their growth and organ development. Without the right nutrients at the right time, your child runs the risk of acquiring developmental problems. So it is important that you pay attention to your child’s diet.

Here are some food items that will prove beneficial for your baby:


1. Fruits

Packed with vitamins and readily available, fresh fruits are easy on the tummy and a delight to the taste buds. It is easy to mash softer fruits such as bananas and papayas. The fiber in these fruits works wonders for your kid’s digestive system as well.


2. Yogurt

The best probiotic you’ll ever find, yogurt is a wonderful dairy product and a necessary addition to your child’s diet. It is easy to eat and helps keep the gut cool and comfortable. This is also a rich source of calcium and gut-friendly bacteria.


3. Eggs

Eggs are full of protein and calcium. This is excellent for children whose bodies are developing. Soft-boiled eggs are recommended, though children can be fed hardboiled eggs at a later stage. Inexpensive and easy to make, eggs are the perfect all-round food for your toddler.


4. Whole milk

Packed with calcium, phosphorus, proteins, and potassium, milk is one of the most wholesome foods you can offer your baby. At such a young age, this calcium intake is essential for your child’s healthy bone development. Since it’s also rich in vitamins, milk is often considered a ‘complete’ food.


5. Spinach

There’s a reason Popeye the sailor swore by spinach as his source of strength. It’s true! Spinach is a wonderful source of iron, which is great for healthy blood circulation and prevents anemia. Additionally, it is a perfect source of roughage in your kid’s diet, helping to keep the digestive tract healthy.


6. Fish

It is well-known that fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, often linked to the development of mental skills and memory. Fish is also rich in vitamin D. Tuna, salmon, and sardine are some of the best fish to include in a balanced diet.


All of us will agree that monitoring a baby’s diet is a good way to ensure they don’t fall sick often. However, there are other ways your child can contract a disease. For instance, it’s quite important to ensure that your kid is protected from active vectors such as mosquitoes.

Nearly 700 million people fall prey to mosquito-borne illnesses each year, including dengue, malaria, chikungunya, Zika fever, and various types of encephalitis. As a parent, you must be cautious and spare no effort in keeping your child safe from these deadly diseases.

We recommend using Goodknight Neem Agarbatti to eliminate mosquitoes in the house. It is absolutely safe for use around toddlers and children. You could also use Goodknight Fabric Roll-On, another excellent and easy option to keep mosquitoes away. Just dab it on your kid’s clothes. The product is baby-safe and a single application is effective for up to eight hours.

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